
Top Online Display Marketing Tips

March 3, 2016

Top online display marketing ads are banner ads that contain text. They can be a combination of text and images. Following are some display marketing tips that will help you get more from your online display ads marketing budget.

Drilling down the wants and needs of the target market:

Before you even consider incorporating these top display marketing tips you need to really know who it is you want to reach. This is your target market. You really need to know what your product/service has to offer. Then you want to go after the market that wants and needs what you have. The more specific you can be in determining this, the better prepared you will be to develop your internet display ads.

online-marketing-300x199Online Marketing The right online Display Marketing message:

Knowing the answers you need to give your target market will help you design the right digital display ads message to send to them. Ideally you want to identify the problem they have and then deliver the message that you have the solution. You can do this will well written ad copy.

Online Display marketing tips for the right visual display:

You have very limited space in your top online display marketing ad. You need to choose an image that is going to meet the cliché “ a picture is worth a thousand words.” It has to be right on target with what your ad is about.

The right placement:

The right placement refers to the right placement of text and images within your ad copy. It also refers to your digital display ads being placed in the right position of where it is being placed. Ideally for top display marketing you want it to appear above the fold.

A/B testing with analysis of results:

A/B testing is one of the most important display marketing tips to utilize. It is running two similar ads but changing their appearance. This is only going to be of value to you if you follow through with a complete analysis of the results they are each generating, then comparing these.

For example:

You may develop two exact ads with the same call to action, but written in a different way. What results did each of these calls to actions bring? Which one performed better when you compare them to each other?
Or, you may want to test out the exact same online display ads with two different images. Again, following through with the same analysis.

You will find that when you implement these display marketing tips that you will have a lot more confidence when building your internet display ads, and your efforts will pay off for you.




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