
5 Effective Tips for Increasing Search Engine Traffic

June 11, 2012

1. Establish an Intelligent, Quality Linking Strategy

Link building is extremely crucial to generating site traffic. Back links provide a path to your site from another and are very influential to search engines. Links are given more weight if they are coming in from a highly credible website. Sites with higher page ranks and overall traffic will be stronger than ones coming from a smaller site. Ideally .gov and .edu domains generally provide strong and relevant back links but they are also the harder ones to acquire.

SEO2. Build Strong, Keyword-Related URLs

An easy way to associate a specific keyword with a page on your website is to include it in the URL. A page that is optimized properly should focus on one main keyword, key phrase or idea. Whatever is chosen as the focus should then be called out in the URL of the associated page. Suppose your focus is “increasing search engine traffic.” Well your URL for this page could be When building URLs try to incorporate the keyword at the highest level directory below the home page as possible.

3. Effectively Utilizing Title Tags

Title tags are very important for driving search engine traffic. Producing an effective title tag is fairly easy to do. A good title tag should be no more than 70 characters in length, and should follow proper formatting. An optimal format would display as “Primary Keyword, Secondary Keyword – Brand Name.” Also these keywords should revolve around main page topics. Use of longer tail terms here is pretty effective because they generally have less competition and consumers are generally farther down the information path.

4. How to Use Headings Successfully

Headline tags are great for keyword exposure. These tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) are recognized by search engine bots and receive a higher weighted value than the rest of the page copy. Primary targeted keywords, as well as secondary keywords and phrases, should be used throughout these headline tags. These tags should be titled in a way that provides a logical hierarchy in relation to the flow of information brought forth on the web page.

5. Writing Stronger and More Significant Web Page Copy

Web page copy is an extremely crucial element in regards to search engine traffic. Copy is defined as what any visitor will be reading when arriving at a particular web page, essentially it is the text. Each individual web page should have at least 350 words of unique body copy in order to be most effective. Use of anchor text, primary & secondary keywords, and emphasizing main points are very important. Generally, keywords should be located near the top of the page and good, quality anchor links



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